Convert BST to AZOT Time

Convert time between BST and AZOT (GMT-1) with our easy-to-use converter. Whether you're scheduling international meetings, coordinating with remote teams, or planning calls across time zones, this converter helps you find the right time instantly.


British Summer Time

Current Time



Azores Standard Time

Converted Time

+0 hours

Current Time

Convert BST to ACST Time Convert BST to ACWST Time Convert BST to AEDT Time Convert BST to AEST Time Convert BST to AFT Time Convert BST to AKST Time Convert BST to ALMT Time Convert BST to ART Time Convert BST to AST Time Convert BST to AWST Time Convert BST to AZOT Time Convert BST to BRT Time Convert BST to CAT Time Convert BST to CDT Time Convert BST to CEST Time Convert BST to CET Time Convert BST to ChST Time Convert BST to CLT Time Convert BST to COT Time Convert BST to CST Time Convert BST to CVT Time Convert BST to EAT Time Convert BST to ECT Time Convert BST to EDT Time Convert BST to EEST Time Convert BST to EET Time Convert BST to EST Time Convert BST to FET Time Convert BST to FJT Time Convert BST to GET Time Convert BST to GMT Time Convert BST to GST Time Convert BST to HKT Time Convert BST to HST Time Convert BST to ICT Time Convert BST to IDT Time Convert BST to IRST Time Convert BST to IST Time Convert BST to JST Time Convert BST to KRAT Time Convert BST to KST Time Convert BST to LHST Time Convert BST to MDT Time Convert BST to MSK Time Convert BST to MST Time Convert BST to MYT Time Convert BST to NFT Time Convert BST to NPT Time Convert BST to NZDT Time Convert BST to NZST Time Convert BST to PDT Time Convert BST to PET Time Convert BST to PHT Time Convert BST to PKT Time Convert BST to PST Time Convert BST to PYT Time Convert BST to SAST Time Convert BST to SGT Time Convert BST to SST Time Convert BST to TRT Time Convert BST to UTC Time Convert BST to VET Time Convert BST to WAT Time Convert BST to WEST Time Convert BST to WET Time Convert BST to WIB Time Convert BST to WITA Time Convert BST to WIT Time

BST to AZOT Time Conversion Chart

12:00am BST to AZOT is 10:00pm (previous day)
12:30am BST to AZOT is 10:30pm (previous day)
1:00am BST to AZOT is 11:00pm (previous day)
1:30am BST to AZOT is 11:30pm (previous day)
2:00am BST to AZOT is 12:00am
2:30am BST to AZOT is 12:30am
3:00am BST to AZOT is 1:00am
3:30am BST to AZOT is 1:30am
4:00am BST to AZOT is 2:00am
4:30am BST to AZOT is 2:30am
5:00am BST to AZOT is 3:00am
5:30am BST to AZOT is 3:30am
6:00am BST to AZOT is 4:00am
6:30am BST to AZOT is 4:30am
7:00am BST to AZOT is 5:00am
7:30am BST to AZOT is 5:30am
8:00am BST to AZOT is 6:00am
8:30am BST to AZOT is 6:30am
9:00am BST to AZOT is 7:00am
9:30am BST to AZOT is 7:30am
10:00am BST to AZOT is 8:00am
10:30am BST to AZOT is 8:30am
11:00am BST to AZOT is 9:00am
11:30am BST to AZOT is 9:30am
12:00pm BST to AZOT is 10:00am
12:30pm BST to AZOT is 10:30am
1:00pm BST to AZOT is 11:00am
1:30pm BST to AZOT is 11:30am
2:00pm BST to AZOT is 12:00pm
2:30pm BST to AZOT is 12:30pm
3:00pm BST to AZOT is 1:00pm
3:30pm BST to AZOT is 1:30pm
4:00pm BST to AZOT is 2:00pm
4:30pm BST to AZOT is 2:30pm
5:00pm BST to AZOT is 3:00pm
5:30pm BST to AZOT is 3:30pm
6:00pm BST to AZOT is 4:00pm
6:30pm BST to AZOT is 4:30pm
7:00pm BST to AZOT is 5:00pm
7:30pm BST to AZOT is 5:30pm
8:00pm BST to AZOT is 6:00pm
8:30pm BST to AZOT is 6:30pm
9:00pm BST to AZOT is 7:00pm
9:30pm BST to AZOT is 7:30pm
10:00pm BST to AZOT is 8:00pm
10:30pm BST to AZOT is 8:30pm
11:00pm BST to AZOT is 9:00pm
11:30pm BST to AZOT is 9:30pm