Convert time between BST and WAT (GMT+1) with our easy-to-use converter. Whether you're scheduling international meetings, coordinating with remote teams, or planning calls across time zones, this converter helps you find the right time instantly.
British Summer Time
Current Time
LiveWest Africa Time
Converted Time
+0 hoursCurrent Time
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To convert British Summer Time (BST) to West Africa Time (WAT), subtract 1 hour. For example, 2 PM BST is 1 PM WAT. Use the precise time converter on for accurate, real-time results.
9 AM BST is 8 AM WAT since WAT is 1 hour behind BST. If you need to confirm multiple time zones, tools like can handle them.
The time difference between British Summer Time (BST) and West Africa Time (WAT) is 1 hour, with BST being ahead. This difference can be quickly checked using the intuitive converter on
To convert the current BST time to WAT, subtract 1 hour. For example, if it’s 5 PM BST now, it’s 4 PM WAT. The live time converter on can instantly give you the exact time in WAT.
To convert 6 AM WAT to BST, add 1 hour. This makes it 7 AM BST. Use the advanced tools on for accurate results across any time zone.
If it’s 4 PM BST, subtract 1 hour to get 3 PM WAT. Tools like make these conversions fast and easy for business or travel purposes.