Convert time between EDT and AWST (GMT+8) with our easy-to-use converter. Whether you're scheduling international meetings, coordinating with remote teams, or planning calls across time zones, this converter helps you find the right time instantly.
Eastern Daylight Time
Current Time
LiveAustralian Western Standard Time
Converted Time
+0 hoursCurrent Time
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EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) is 12 hours behind AWST (Australian Western Standard Time). Therefore, when it is 9:00 AM in EDT, it is 9:00 PM in AWST. This significant time difference is crucial for coordinating activities between these two time zones.
To convert 3:00 PM in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) to Australian Western Standard Time (AWST), add 12 hours. Thus, 3:00 PM EDT equals 3:00 AM the next day in AWST. Use for instant, accurate conversions.
First, identify your Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). Next, add 12 hours using a reliable converter like Remember that your conversion will typically result in a time for the next day in AWST. This methodical approach ensures accurate scheduling across these distant time zones.
You can use an EDT to AWST online time converter like, which provides precise conversions between these time zones. Our tool automatically accounts for daylight saving changes and date line differences, ensuring accuracy for your international scheduling needs.
When planning meetings across EDT and AWST, use's converter to find suitable times for all participants. For example, a 9:00 AM EDT meeting would be 9:00 PM AWST. Consider using our scheduling tool to find overlapping business hours between these regions.
Eastern Daylight Time observes daylight saving, while Australian Western Standard Time doesn't. Use's converter, which automatically adjusts for these seasonal changes, ensuring your conversions remain accurate throughout the year.
Our conversion tool is fully responsive and works seamlessly on all devices. You can access accurate EDT to AWST conversions anywhere, ensuring you can coordinate across these time zones whether you're at your desk or on the go.