Convert time between HST and EST (GMT-5) with our easy-to-use converter. Whether you're scheduling international meetings, coordinating with remote teams, or planning calls across time zones, this converter helps you find the right time instantly.
Hawaii Standard Time
Current Time
LiveEastern Standard Time
Converted Time
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Hawaii Standard Time (HST) is 5 hours behind Eastern Standard Time (EST). You need to add 5 hours to the HST time to convert HST to EST. For example, if it is noon in HST, it will be 5:00 PM EST.
You can use the time zone converter available at or similar websites. These tools allow you to input any HST time and instantly receive the corresponding EST time, simplifying the conversion process.
Yes, daylight saving time affects this conversion. HST does not observe daylight saving time, while EST is used during standard time (winter) and Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) during summer. When EDT is in effect, the difference becomes 6 hours, as EDT is only 4 hours behind GMT compared to 5 hours for EST.
To manually convert HST to EST, take your HST time and add 5 hours. For instance:
If it’s 8:00 AM in HST, adding 5 hours gives you 1:00 PM EST.
This method can be applied at any hour of the day.
When planning meetings between participants in HST and EST, be mindful of the 5-hour difference. It’s advisable to schedule meetings during overlapping business hours; for example, if it’s convenient for participants in HST from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, this translates to 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM in EST. This ensures that all parties can attend without conflicts.
Yes, many online tools on allow for batch conversions from HST to EST. This feature is handy for scheduling meetings or events that involve participants across different time zones.