Convert time between ICT and IST (GMT+5.5) with our easy-to-use converter. Whether you're scheduling international meetings, coordinating with remote teams, or planning calls across time zones, this converter helps you find the right time instantly.
Indochina Time
Current Time
LiveIndia Standard Time
Converted Time
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The time difference between Indochina Time (ICT) and Indian Standard Time (IST) is 1 hour and 30 minutes, with IST being ahead. Specifically, when it is noon in ICT, it is 10:30 AM in IST. This difference is crucial for accurate scheduling and communication.
To convert 3 PM ICT to IST, subtract 1 hour and 30 minutes. Therefore, 3 PM in ICT translates to 1:30 PM in IST. This method ensures you stay on schedule when coordinating across these time zones.
When converting ICT to IST for meetings, identify the current ICT time, then subtract 1 hour and 30 minutes. It’s also advisable to verify the conversion using an ICT to IST converter tool available on for accuracy. provides an efficient ICT to IST converter tool that allows users to quickly convert times between these two zones, ensuring accurate communication and scheduling.
ICT is primarily observed in Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia, while IST is used throughout India, including major cities such as New Delhi and Mumbai.
IST is set at UTC+5:30, while ICT operates at UTC+7. This results in a consistent difference of 1 hour and 30 minutes, which remains unchanged throughout the year as neither region observes Daylight Saving Time.
When scheduling calls, consider local working hours; aim for times that fall within the typical business hours of both regions. For instance, scheduling a call at around 10 AM in India corresponds well with 11:30 AM in Thailand, facilitating effective communication.